
The meetin' of Cat and Zonar

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Literature Text

Zonar finds himself in a strange place that seems vaguely familiar with a female cat infront of him.
Zonar: Hello. I don't believe we've met before. The names Zonar and you are?
Cat:...*narrows eyes*....*turns and starts to walk away*
Zonar: Hey wait a minute. Did I do something to offend you?
Cat:hmph your very life offends me you low life wayward...
Zonar:*keeps temper in check* Woah now, I'm just tryin' ta be friendly. Now is there something wrong? Perhaps I can help.
Zonar:*twitching eye* You know I don't ussually like doin' this but in your case I'll make an exception. *grabs blade and sends electric shock through it*
Cat:*quick flash of pain but than puts on poker face hiding pain* I've felt more pain than this kid.
Zonar: Really? Then how about twice the voltage? Or we could talk out what is really botherin' you civilized like. But know that I can send a shock faster than you can move.
Cat: grr *puts sword down* I'm fine....nothing bothering me but you...*turns and starts to walk away*
Zonar: Doubt that seein' as you just put a sword to my throat.*grins* Or do you really just wanna pick a fight?
Cat:...*stops walking*.....I'm not going to kill you kid...but you really wanna change my mind. I am one thing you dont wanna mess with.
Zonar:*smiles* Well I doubt you'll kill me for no real reason. Especially for no money. But you got me interested in seein' what you can really do.
Cat: Hahahah you think I dont kill for no reason...than you have another thing comming. *quickly turns around blood lust showing in eyes and turns into demon form* HAHHAHA you think I can't kill!! THAN YOUR DEAD WRONG I AM THE PREDITOR YOU WILL BE MY PREY!
Zonar:*fire in eyes* Hehe, we'll see.*snaps fingers making his Nega Emerald appear* That's quite an interestin' transformation, lets see what you think of mine.*Nega Emerald starts to glow and disappers leaving Zonar in his mutant form* I've been meanin' to test my limits and you are gonna make good for that test.
Cat: I haven't lost a battle for 20 millennial.
Zonar: Not bad, but I welcome a challange. Though I wonder if you'll even be able to grab hold of me?*starts to encompass himself in electrical energy*
Cat: Patheti-*freezes and goes to normal, horror fills eyes but stays in place frozen to the spot*
Zonar: Well that's a new one. Hey what's wrong with you?*walks abit towards Cat*
Cat:*having a flashback* Moon-High: You can't win sweat heart! ITS OVER! *strikes cat in the heart and leaving her to bleed to death* O_O...huh?? *sees you walking towards me* ..
Zonar:*walks abit closer still* Hey say something! Are you ok? Hope I didn't do something serious.
Cat: O_O.....*comes out of flash back* grr just stay away *throws down smoke bombs and disapears*
Zonar:.. ahek.. What was that about?..ahek... Man I hope she's fine.*move out of the smoke* Hmm, weird it feels like she still near.
???:*deep violet blur jumps from trees tackling you* SHE WAS HERE WASN'T SHE KID!! *sniffs air* COME OUT AND PLAY CAT I KNOW YOUR HERE *drives swords into both your arms pinning you to ground* FIGHT ME OR WATCH AN INNOCENT MAN SUFFER
Cat:*unseen hiding in trees**voice echoes* Why kill him Raymun why not kill me. I'm the one you want. I have what you need. But if you kill him I can't tell you. He's the way in.
Zonar:*ticked of look on face* Hey sorry for interruptin' but I don't like bein' used as a barginin' chip.*white and black aura starts to emanate from where the swords are pushing them out* And I suggest you leave before I make you.*gets up with more white and black flames coming from hands*
Raymon:*looks at u* HAHHAH UR PATHETIC *has no face* *grabs ur neack and starts taking all your energy* how could you even be the-
Cat:GRR RAYMON!! *lunges from tree at an alarming speed* NEVER *claws come out* TOUCH*pins him to ground with foot on his neck* A SOUL BRINGER*drives sword into his heart*
Raymon:*explodes into darkness making the ground shake*
Zonar:*rubs neck* Thanks for that, wasn't expectin' him to drain my energy. You ok?*walks over check on her*
Cat:*runs toward you and grabs your arm and starts dragging you along* We need to get you outta here before he reforms *starts going faster*
Zonar: Woah! Ok!*starts running to keep up* Man whatever I just got involved in one thing is for sure this is one crazy dimension.
Cat:*stops and lets go of you* Crazy dimension hmph this is a world its not a place...your in the twilight zone sweat heart
Zonar:*shocked look* Say whaaat! How the heck did I end up here?!
Cat: Beats far many things keeps appearing in this domain, my domain.
Zonar: Sorry for intruddin'. Something must've happened when I was travelin' dimensions. But what was with psycho back there and what did you mean when you reffered to me as a soul bringer?
Cat:....that was Raymon...he was banished here 30,000 years ago... you shouldn't be here he is reduced to a soul...and you are a soul bringer... you brake souls free from prisions you keep them safe or give them this case Raymon took yours..
Zonar: Not much of it. If he had taken all of it I wouldn't be in this form still. So could he have brought me here?
Cat: Well idk truthfully *rips open portal* but what I do know we both need to get out of here, weakling first*pushes you through*
Zonar: Hey! Who you callin' weaklin'?!*echos abit on the last word*
Cat:*jumps through* hmph *lands in the middle of the Atlantic ocean on an iceberg* O_O........YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME
Zonar: Ice. It had to be ice.
Cat: It's not the ice I'm worried about it's the water.
Zonar: It's only water. What's there to be worried about?
Cat:*suddenly dives in*
Zonar:*shocked expression* What the heck is she doin'?! That waters freezin'!
cat:*doesn't resurface* mm
Zonar: I am so gonna hate this.*jumps in after her*
Cat:mm *pinned by raymon to ocean floor*
Raymon: YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME MY SWEET!!*hands around her neck* TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!!
Zonar:*shocked at seeing Raymon here. Removes right glove revealing claws.* Right here ya psycho!*rips clean through Raymon's chest with same white and black flames from earlier* Now get lost!*Raymon explodes once more. Quickly grabs Cat and helps her to the surface.*
Cat:*gasps for air* *claws and drags self onto ice berg* *coughs*
Zonar:*pulls self on as well*~mumbles: Didn't know I could speak underwater in this form.~ How the hell did he get here.*looks at cat* And more importantly are you gonna be ok?
Cat:* dripping wet* Cat you idiot... you knew he would follow.. you stupid girl*starts shinning*
Zonar: Hey don't beat yourself up. And what's with the shinnin'?
Cat:shinning? O_O Oh come on not now *turns into a kitten*
Zonar:*jaw drops*.... what the?
Zonar:*hand over eyes* Ok, explanation later.*removes hand* But for now I think we should get movin'.
Cat: Yeah yeah whatever kid *takes a deep breath and blows makeing a bride of ice as far as the eye can see*
Zonar: Hehe, cool. *looks down at Cat* So should I carry you?
Cat: Hahaha I'm not a kinda cat that likes to be picked up -_- *runs along the ice bridge* WOOO
Zonar:*grins* I'm really startin' to like her.*starts runing along the ice bridge as well being careful not to fall off* I don't know much about the Twilight Zone. Are we still in it?
Cat: No were in who knows where *eyes shinning with excitement*
Zonar:*notices Cats exitement* Hmm... so I'm guessin' he absorbed enough of my energy to leave the Twilight Zone? Else he wouldn't have been able to follow us here rigt?
Cat: You are sort of correct, it's hard to explain *sneezes* grr stupid weather but he and I are kind of tied.... his real name is Moon-High but took over my friend Raymon who now will never come back for Moon-High has become Raymon... we were bonded by hand fastening which will forever hold us as almost 1. So where I go... he somehow can follow. Am I making any sense? I'll shut up if i'm not.
Zonar: I think I get it. He took over your friend and has full control now. Also that you two are connected somehow to the point of alomst bein' one and he can use that connection to follow you. Am I correct? Also are you sure you don't want me to carry you? You could just ride on my sholder if you would be more comfortable with that.
Cat: Yeah you have it down right... Moon-High and I where tight....we had a kid.. Abby was her name...he turned bad and disapeared...he killed Abby a few years later...then took over Raymon...
Zonar:~thinking: I guess she doesn't like bein' close to people and I know why now.~ Sounds like something changed him.
Cat:.....yeah......*eyes distant*....
Zonar:*stares at Cat* ........... So got an idea on where we're goin'?
Cat:.....*deep in thought*....
Zonar:~mumbles: I hope Raymon doesn't show up anytime soon.~
Cat:*skids to a stop* O_O...*ears go up*
Zonar:*stops as well* Is he here?
Cat: Get out of here! *voice all paniky*
Zonar:*panicked look* Oh crap!*grabs Cat and starts running*
Cat: NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND LEAVE ME!! Its not Raymon.......*starts glowing*
Zonar:*puts Cat down & moves back abit* Now what?!
Cat:.AAHAHH!!! *claws come out* g-get o-out of here! *turns to normal but still glowing red* GAAAAHHH*grips teeth and closes eyes*
Zonar: I just can't leave you here! Cat tell me is this energy that's changin' you?! I might be able to help!
Cat: YES YOU GOD DAMN CAN GAAH!! *starts turning pitch black outside and moon starts turning maroon*
Zonar: Dammit! Would you just let me help!~thinking: Crap! I better start my back up plan just incase this doesn't work.~*Zonars eyes start to glow for a moment then stop* I hope this works!*grabs Cat by the shoulders and tries to drain whatever kind of energy is causeing her to change*
Cat: Your mad *opens eyes and one disappears the other blood shot red* UGH *fangs appear and tail turns into a demon tail furr turns deep blackish red*g-get out of here*mysterious force knocks you away and demon wing spread out from back* HAHHAHHAHHAHA TONIGHT I WILL MAKE THIS WORLD PAY!!
Zonar: Great she's either gone beserk or been possed. Whatever it is I'm gonna be very sore later.*the sound of thunder can be heard as black clouds start to roll in above Cat and you*
Red Moon Cat:HAHHAHHA PATHETIC CHILD IT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT! *lunges at you scraping your neck and leaving a gash deep enough to bleed* HAHHAH YoUR ROAD ENDS HERE
Zonar: Aaack!*Zonar backs up abit from the sudden slash. But then starts to grin.* Hehehehe....*suddenly his white and black flames come out from the gash repairing what had been damaged.* I think you've been underestimatin' me.*the clouds above have settled and lightning soon starts coming down. the redness of the moon can be seen through the clouds.* Been awhile since I've seen my blood though, so I must applaud your amazin' strength.
Red Moon Cat: *bit of your blood on her claws* hahha*licks it away yellow sparks now forming around her* oh don't worry the'll be more *lungs and rapidly attacks you fades away and attacks from the back leaving many wounds* every time you heal my friend hahha your letting the poison flow in your blood stream
Zonar: Aah! Man those are sharp!*the scars heal and fade away like before. the lightning is now more frequent and closer.* And thanks for tellin' me. I can react to it now before it can really impead my actions.*a lightning bolt strikes right down on Zonar, leaving nothing except for his other glove singed.(the other one was left underwater)*
Red Moon Cat: hmph heh *fire surounds her* how about a little swim*melts ice til only enough ice for one foot* hahha *sky starts clearing and moon starting to turn back to a cream color. turns to normal and drops into the water sinking towards to bottom blacked out*
*a lightning bolt crashes down into the water from the remaining clouds.* Zonar:*surfaces holding Cat* Good she's still breathin'!*pulls cat over to the ice and helps her up.**weird markings start to show up on neck*
Zonar: Man I hope these don't mean something bad. But more importantly I need to move you somewhere to recover.*picks Cat up and carries her in his arms*
Cat:....*thinks: Why can't I open my eyes! Whats going on WHY AM I NOT WAKING UP??*
Zonar:*finds a cave for Cat to rest in* This will have to do. *places cat on ground. starts trying to think of how to warm Cat up.* Hmm... I wonder if my Nega flames could warm her up? Only one way to find out.*starts emitting white and black flames near Cat.*
Cat:....*eyes fling open* HUH!*breathing heavy* Wha??....*looks around and tries to stand* GAH! *falls down again* *mouths "shit" and grits teeth from the pain*
Zonar: Woah now girl! You need relax and recover you strength.*still has flames going.*
Zonar:*sighs* Well now that your awake maybe you could tell me what those markin's are on your neck.
Cat:..negtrosity markings.....they appear when.........comes...closer..
Zonar:*concerned look* When what comes closer?*moves flames back and forth trying to keep her warm*
Cat:....*closes eyes*
Zonar: Well you don't have to answer right now. Though do you fell any better?
Cat:*opens eyes stands up and walks out of cave*
Zonar:*extinuishes his flames and follows* I'm really hopin' this isn't gonna be trouble.
Cat:.... I think I need to leave..... I bring you to much trouble
Zonar: Well this is a tad more excite ment than I get in a day.*walks over and stands beside her* But honestly I've kinda enjoyed it abit.*grins happily*
Zonar:*bursts out laughing* Ahahahahahahaha! I like your attitude!*calms down abit but has a smile on his face* You know I don't think we got to have a proper introduction to each other. The names Zonar Woodclaw.*holds hand out to shake*
Cat: oh all bloody times to choose introduction you choose the worst dont you *grabs and shakes ur hand* cat the assassin
Zonar:*grins* Hehehe, better late than never.*calms down some more being serious* So are you gonna fill me in on what's comin' or leave me in the dark?
Cat:....first theres a red moon but after that i get these markings letting me know an eclipse is on the way...its worse then the red moon i become a hybrid half demon half angel....
Zonar: Sounds like things are gonna get rough.
Cat:hahahah you have no idea...i'll remember nothing when i snap out of it
Zonar:*grins in anticipation* Well then I'll fill you in on what happens when you snap out of it.
Zonar:*looks over at her* So how long do you think we have til you change?
Cat:hmm hard to say my guess 3 weeks...with side telling what the'll be this time tho'.
Zonar: Well looks like I'll be with ya for abit longer.*grins happily*
Cat: hahahah i find u to cheerful..
Zonar: Well I try to be.^^
Cat: *shakes head* hmph
Zonar: So what should we do now?
Cat: well idk bout you but i'm going fishing
Zonar: In these conditions? Aren't you the least bit tired?
Cat: honey i have been through an ice age and survived i have been through heat waves, shark attacks, i was even on the titanic
Zonar:*surprised look* Well now that's impressive.
Cat: ha ha i forgot i hadn't told u...
Zonar:*smiles at hearin' her laugh* Well at least now I know your alright since your laughin'.
Cat:m uh huh^^; *thinks: god damn it cat your getting to used to him*
Zonar:*decide to change the subject noticin' Cats answer* Well now if your goin' fishin' I might as well help.
Cat: haha idk if u like getting whet then jump in *claws slide out and she jumps into water*
Zonar:*watches her jump in* That is one crazy gal.*smiles and jumps in following her*
cat:hmph im crazy but im not death
Zonar:*smiles at her* I ment that in a good way. So shall we get ta catchin' some fish?
cat:hmm *sees a fish dart past me* who ever catches the biggest in the next 15 minutes wins *swims after the fish*
Zonar:*grins at challenge and dives down as well* Now to find a big fish.*sees the tail of a big one* That'll do.
cat: AAYYYEEEE *swims past u with a killer whale chasing her*
Zonar:*jaw drops and stunned at seeing her chased. snaps out of it and starts chasing after the whale* C'mere you!*grabs it's tail slowing it down*
cat: O_O umm thats not what i was swimmin from *points at shape in far distance*
Zonar:*lets whale go and it swims off. looks in the direction she points* What is that?
cat:....not a what but a who zonar....that is moon flesh and bone..O_O and not a shadow demon but pure killing machine
Zonar: Oh boy.*starts to feel his energy* Brrrr! So that's him. only half the energy that cant be him....*pupils shrink* oh god...if thats....GET OUT THE WAY *pushes zonar out the way and takes a spear through her chest* GAH
Zonar: CAT!*rushes over to her* Why'd you do that?!*pulls spear out, careful not to cause too much pain for her*
cat:...heh i have nine damn lives and dont worry im just starting to get her pissed...ill explain after i get rid Of the problem just let me take damage
Zonar: Fine, but you don't need to shield me I can heal myself. Besides you've done more than enough for me already.
cat: heh when u die u die. You may have high defense and strong power but even that will wear u down especially when going against him
Zonar:*smiles* Well then I just won't die. But lets take care of the problem at hand shall we? Can you fight?
cat:hahahha *shakes head* that is a stupid question of course i can fight
Zonar: Alright. But don't over do it.*turns to face what's coming* I'll follow your lead.
cat: hahha just chill idk were he is but stick close and dont get separated or were both shark bate
Zonar: Gotcha.*still holding spear* So what should I do with this thing?
cat: use it if u need it i guess
Zonar:*looks at it* Might be useful. So how long til the one who threw this gets here?
cat: idk moon high is master of tricking one's eyes
Zonar: Well I guess will just have to be back to back so he won't get the drop on us that easy.
cat: right
Zonar:*has back against Cats and says to self* Now where will he come from?* starts to look around*
moon high: HOW BOUT FROM BELOW *sends large whirl pool towards us*
Zonar:*looks down in surprise*
cat: O_O
moon-high: *suchs in zonor and rapidly slices at him with long claws*
Zonar: Gaaaaah!*his blood starts to spread out in the water from the cuts* Damn you!*strikes out with his own claws.*
moon-high:*disapears when hit*
cat: SHIT that was only a clone
Zonar:*flames start to heal him* Grrrrrr! He's really startin' ta get on my nerves!
cat:heh give him 20 more minutes youll die from insanity
Zonar:*grins* Then he'll see a real nightmare. But maybe we should get out of the water. If I use any electrical attacks down here there's a chance of you gettin' zapped.
cat:...were either in water or on ice ill get zapped either way...
Zonar: Point made. I just didn't want to zap ya. Hmm... how is he against choas energy?
cat:....he is chaos energy..
Zonar: Well then I guess I'm not usein' chaos energy against him. So that leaves me with my claws and electrical attacks. Now we just gotta find him.*starts lookin' around again*
cat: Ya just dont touch him to long he'll drain u of everything
Zonar: I'll keep that in mind.*still looking around*
cat: if an eclipse starts to happen...get out of the water and far away as fast as possible..
moon-high: now why would he do that *slashes at cat*
Zonar:*sees Moon-High* Grrr!*slashes at him*
moon-high: *dodges* hahhah come on mo-
cat:* attacks with lightning speed* U MAKE ME SICK!*grabs moon-high and slings him out of water and teleports above him and smashes him back into water* ILL MAKE SURE U DIE THIS TIME *shadowy aura surrounds her and markings appear on face*
moon-high: *dodges* hahhah come on mo-
cat:* attacks with lightning speed* U MAKE ME SICK!*grabs moon-high and slings him out of water and teleports above him and smashes him back into water* ILL MAKE SURE U DIE THIS TIME *shadowy aura surrounds her and markings appear on face*
moon-high:*absorbs it* hahhaha fool that wont hurt me buut *looks at cat* this will hurt u *eyes turn completly black* DARKNESS ARISE FROM THE END OF THE EARTH SHOW THE TRUE DEMON FROM WITHIN!! *an eclipse starts to happen*
Zonar: Crap. My powers are useless against him. Unless I... I'm gonna have ta take a chance.*his eyes start to glow and the begining of another lightning storm starts*
moon-high: hahha ill leave u to fight it out with ur friend *snaps fingers and disapears*
cat: GAAAAHHHH *on all fors ontop of ice*GRRRR!! *one eye disapears the other turns demon red. Fangs grow in, claws come out, one demon wing appears on her back the other an angel wing. Halo appears dark mist appears around her* GAAAAAHHHHHH *hurican starts to form around her*
Zonar:*eyes still glowing. they become brighter as the lightning storm becomes stronger.* No turnin' back now.*suddenly a great bolt of lightning strikes down into the water striking him and then he is gone in that moment*
eclipse cat: *hurricane stops* hahhahahha come out little fishes so i can kill u
*lightnin' strikes down abit from where she stands and leaves what appears to be lightning in the shape of a hedgehog*
Zonar:.....*crackling of energy can be heard*
eclipse cat: hhahahha *spreads wings* hello.....*razor sharp claws come out* looks like dinner hahha come to me *grins showing fangs*
Zonar:*eyes open revealing them to be pitch black entirely.* Hello Cat.*voice sounds crackely like static. the storm pics up more strength and the lightning more frequent.* Do you recognize me?
eclipse cat: HAHHAHA I DONT EVEN KNOW U BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT U SHOULD FEAR ME!! *thinks: moon high u let me out of this now!!*
Zonar: I have no reason to fear you Cat. I'm pure livin' energy now. I can't be destroyed in this form.
cat: who said i was going to kill u *grins evily* just going to make u switch teams*
Zonar:*cocks head in confusement*
cat: you'll know soon enough *ur shadow starts to mist up and heads towards me*
Zonar: What the?
eclipse cat: *smiles evilly* *raises hand and and ur shadow turns into a shadow demon*
Zonar: What is that?
Eclipse cat: Your shadow dont you recognize yourself?
Zonar: Hmm, I guess there's a resemblance. So whatcha goonna do with him?
Eclipse cat: what do you think? ATTACK HIM* makes the shadow demon attack you*
Zonar: This should be fun.*takes the shadow head on. trading blow for blow.*
Eclipse cat: big mistake *head reforms and another shadow demon forms from the head*
Zonar: What the?! I thought you said this was supposed to be me?!
Eclipse cat: its your shadow hahah
Zonar: Well then I'll have it make a decision.*pillars of lightning crash down and incircle the two, cagin' them in* If you can understand me then listen up. A shadow can't exist where there is all light, so either return to where you belong or perish.
Eclipse cat: oh but it can as long as u stand there will be a shadow *one eye flashes red to blue back to red* *Thinks: GRR BREAK IT CAT U CAN DO THIS HES NOT IN CONTROL U ARE*
Zonar: Well then I'll just take it back.*jumps at the shadow changing into lightning striking it, mingling with it. arches of energy and shadow erupting from it.*
Eclipse cat: hahha well then *runs at u with sword but freezes in time*
*the pillars and shadow erupt leaving Zonar standing still in his energy form with his shadow where it belongs*
Zonar: Well that was an odd feelin'.*cocks head at Cat* Now what's goin' on? Hmm, she must be fightin' for control.
Eclipse cat:*fades into darkness*
Zonar: Cat....?
Eclipse cat: *appears behind u and kicks u in the head*
Zonar:*her foot upon contact goes right through his head. sending electricity through her leg*
eclipse cat: wha? GAH u little *mist starts to suround her as eclipse ends*
Zonar:*moves away from Cats foot and face reforms. notices the mist and looks up at moon.* Seems the eclipse is endin'.
cat: uugghh *mist envelpos her than dissapears*
Zonar: Hmmm.....
Zonar: Cat?
cat: my head hurts
Zonar: You gonna be alright?*voice still sounds alittle like static*
cat: ill be fine just kinda dizzy
Zonar: Need a hand standin'?(holds out hand, still in energy form, to help steady her)
cat: im fine heh u might shock me
Zonar: Heh I see your point. I'm not very accustomed to this form.
cat: heh
Zonar: So shall we get goin'?
cat: *stands up straight* ya
Zonar: So which way should we go?
cat: umm just *looks around* *takes out chaos emberold* how bout lets go to china and rest *teleports them to china*
Zonar: Heh, works for me. Say is your world called Mobius or Earth?
cat: my world was destroyed
Zonar:*looks at her* I'm sorry.
cat: im not im the one who destroyed it in the first place
Zonar:*gives what can only be a surprised look in his current state* Why?
cat: they pissed me off and i lost my temper just a smidgen
Zonar: Sounds more like alot. What did thet do to make you that mad? was what years where are we i cant tell it all looks black to me
Zonar: Allow me to brighten things.*holds up hand and brightens the area around them*
cat: are u sure u brightened this place i still cant see a thing
Zonar: Huh? Hold on.*brightens hand more and walks over to her* Cat do you still not see anything?
cat:*shakes head* its still black to me
Zonar: Uh oh. Cat I think your blind cause I'm right infront of you.
cat:...your joking..right?
Zonar: No, I'm not. I'm lookin' right at you. Didn't you say that there were side effects after you reverted back from your eclipse transformation?
cat: *face goes white* i went eclipse?
Zonar: Yes. I was able to hold you off til you changed back. Didn't you wonder why I looked and sounded like this?*refering to his static like voice*
cat: didnt really notice how u looked um blind here and two im not so good with sound at times i wander off
Zonar: Touche. It's too bad I just can't heal you like I do myself when I'm Nega.
cat: i have a right mind to puch ur face in >:( .....hmph..
Zonar: Wouldn't advise it seein' as I'm pure energy right now. And what did I do to make you so mad?
cat:...nothing..just..old memeries
Zonar: I'm willin' to listen Cat if you wanna talk about it.
cat:no...*shakes head*
cat:no...*shakes head*
Zonar: Well I'll be here if you want to. For now lets find someplace for you to rest. But first I should try to revert back from this form.*concentrates on changing back. nothing appears to be happening at first but he slowly turns back into his nega form.* That's better, atleast now I can touch people with out hurtin' them.
cat: i dont need rest im fine
Zonar: Cat your blind, I have no idea were we are, and we may still have a lunatic on our heels. I don't wanna be forcful but you are gonna have to stop with the toughness and rest.
cat: i dont need rest ok im fine so what if im blind geez
Zonar:Ugh, why is it the pretty ones have to be stubborn? Would it really kill you to rest?
cat: heh i am not stu- whoah whoah whoah did u just call me pretty?
Zonar: Well that slipped out. *looks at cat* But yes I did.
cat: -_-...mhmm ok then but still im not resting i dont need it and u cant make me
Zonar: *smiles* That sounds like a challange.
cat: im not going anywhere ok? ok
Zonar: *places hand on her shoulder* Cat I just want you to rest til you have your sight back. We can't go anywhere til you do. Unless you know of a way to speed things along?
cat:....hmm...*sighs*..fine you win..i'll rest
Zonar: *sighs in relief* Thankyou.
cat: hmph whatever
Zonar: Lets find some place more comfortable for you to rest than an alley.*hooks his arm around hers* I'll help you get around til you can see.
cat: *rolls eyes* dont expect me to let you win a fight till the finish..when i hit a dead end i will surender..but you got lucky
Zonar: *chuckles* I'll take it anyway. Besides fightin' you for real would be my pleasure. *walks out of the alley with her in tow into a bustlin' side walk*
cat:yeah yeah yeah...whatever..
Zonar:*chuckles some more* You said this is China right? If my memory serves me right that's a place on ancient Mobius or as it was known then Earth.
cat: random information there..why are u telling me this?
Zonar:*shrugs* No reason really. I just feel comfortable around you. And I was verifyin' our location.
cat: well kind thought i supose
Zonar:*smiles and looks around* Ah, there's a temple over there. You can rest up there without bein' disturbed. That alright by you?
cat: fin by me....i guess..
Zonar: Alright. We've got a few steps to go so becareful with your footin'.*guides her over to the stairs and starts their ascension*
cat: i really hate this
Zonar: I'm sorry. I can tell you don't like bein' helped.
cat:*sighs in frustration* you have no idea
Zonar: Well atleast it's only temporary.
cat: well it better be or ill kill that sun of a gun sight or no sight
Zonar: Well I'll have your back either way.
cat: *nods*
Zonar: (they reach the top of the stairs) Well we're here. Seems no ones around.(helps her over to a stone bench to sit down)
cat: *sighs* i can not believe im blind...
Zonar: I'm sorry.*grips his hand tightly* If I had been able to take down that psycho you wouldn't be like this right now.
cat: its not your fault....i should have completly destroyed him years ago..when i had the chance but i was to blinded by love..
Zonar: ....... Cat.....
cat: *looks at ground in frustration*
Zoanr: *sits down beside her* Cat. I know this isn't something a guy should ask but... how old are you? Cause it sounds like you've been around alot longer than you look.
cat:......200 millennial...all starting from a planet to twilight zone getting beatan thrown into space found by a sciantist turned me into a experiment and starting as one of the first ppl alive on earth starting with eqypt
Zonar: *eyes go wide* Wow. So you've been around for a long time.*looks up at the sky with a weak smile* Heh, guess I'll be knowin' someone for a very along time after all.
cat:*puzzled look on face* what u mean by that
Zonar: Do you remember that black gem I used earlier to transform?
cat: sort of
Zonar: Well it's called the Nega emerald. I'm it's keeper and guardian. When I first used it it bonded to me, so much so that it's becomin' one with me. My life span has been exceedingly extended because of it.
cat: heh....sadly....i was bonded with friken time itself..
Zonar: Hehe. Well I guess we're to of a kind. You are bonded to time. And I'll become a livin' chaos emerald.
cat: hahah *shakes head*
Zonar:*smiles* Hehahaha, I'm glad to hear you laugh.
cat: *gently pushes you* oh shut up
Zonar:*smiles* You know you really are pretty Cat, you should laugh more.
cat:hmph. *looks away*
Zonar:*chuckles alittle* Not much for complements are you? (stands up and streches) Well I'll try not to give them alot in the future.
cat:mmm....ur rubbing off on me..
Zonar:*smiles* Is that a good thing?
cat:*shrugs* you tell me *yawns*
Zonar:*still smiling* I'd like to think so. Are you gettin' tired?*sits back down next to her*
cat: pfft no...*yawns again* ok a little but ill be fine
Zonar: You can rest Cat. It's only us here. So you don't have to be so tough.
cat: i....grr u know u really get on my nerves some times*lays down and shuts eyes*
Zonar:*just smiles and chuckles alittle* Sorry about that.*watches Cat for a few minutes then looks up at the stary sky thinking*
cat:mm *falls asleep* zZzZZzZzzzzzZzZz
Zonar:*smiles at hearing Cat sleeping soundly*(thinking: Well atleast she's sleepin' now. To think she's been around for 2000 years. I haven't even been around for a hundred yet. And to have made me draw on more power just so I wouldn't get killed when she transformed, amazin'. Even if she was bein' forced to.*frowns with a look of hate* That Moon-High is gonna pay. But what worries me is that bond she mentioned they have. If he dies what does that mean for her?)
cat:zzzzzzzZZzZZzz mm zZZzZzz
kacy: that i may be able to answer. *standing on one of the tower ruins*
Zonar: Huh?(looks around til he sees where the voice came from) Who are you? And how did you know what I was thinkin'?
kacy: my name is kacy i am cats iner thoughts i can sense what others feel or think...the answers will come to you in time but for now you must hide..find new identitys this place is cats least not let others see her
Zonar: Very well, I'll do what you say to keep her safe.(looks back at Cat then turns back to Kacy) Umm... exactly how much are you able to sense of what others are feelin' or thinkin'.(Zonar has a strange look on his face that looks to be blushing)
kacy: just the general feel not emotions but i could feel cats if needed..
cat:zZzZz*ears twitch and eye opens* ok kacy..go away
Zonar: (surprised Cat's awake) Oh! Did we wake you Cat?(the look of on Zonars face fades abit)
kacy: cat calm down will you
cat: grr im fine but still *takes a deep breath* i cant go out there thell kill me if i do nine lives or not
Zonar: They'll have ta get by me first.*grips hand infront of him having electricty run around it*
cat: *facepalm* omfg
Zonar: *looks at her* What? I don't like my friends gettin' hurt.*starts to slowly change back to his normal grey hedgehog form)
cat:mm *sighs* im not gunna get my sight back zonar...i know how and that means killing myself ill come back in another form , but still
Zonar: Woah now, just hold on. There has to be another way to restore your sight. Is there anything I can do?
cat: no there isnt *pulls out knife*
Zonar: Cat don't!*grabs hold of the knife* Don't do something like this until you've tried everything else.
cat:let go of my knife zonar. NOW!! there is no other way this has happened before...
but that time i went deaf...but still this is the only way.
Zoanr: No! I'm not gonna let you do this! Would you atleast try to find another way? Please, let me try to help.
cat:.........*growls* there is no other way * stubbornness gleaming in eyes*
Zonar: Would you atleast let me try?!*summons Nega emerald into his hand* I-I might be able to heal you with my emerald.*determined look burning in eyes*
cat: *sighs* fiine.........hmph
Zonar:*sighs* Thankyou. Now I've never tried this before but I've heard of chaos energy bein' able to do such things. So you I suggest you get comfy.
cat: wonderful -_-...
Zonar: Alright let's get started.*the emerald glows abit and hovers in the air between the two of them and Zonar begins chanting* Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. The heart holds two sides. I hold the negative. Let this emerald heal that who I wish to be healed.*the emerald starts to glow brighter until it encompasses them both and soon fades*
cat:...ya..that didnt work *takes out knife*
Zonar: Dammit.*has the emerald disapper* And I was really hopin' that would work.*sees the knife* Cat what will happen if you do this? Will you be the same person still?
catmg yes i will!! now stop freaking out i do this alot im connected to time no way im gunna die til it does *takes deep breath* alright see u in a few hours i guess*shuts eyes and stabs self right through heart*
Zonar: *frowns while seeing her do this* Yeah...seeya in a few.
cat:*falls back and knife clatters to the ground leaving a gaping hole in chest* V.V...
Zonar:*rushes forward to catch her* Your one crazy gal alright makin' me worry like this.*places her back on the bench* Kacy will Cat be able to kill Moon-High?
cat:......*glows and turns into a white outline*
Zonar: Huh?
cat:*shrinks into a small glowing ball that turns into the outline of a lamp*
Zonar: A...lamp? What is this for?*picks it up*
cat:GRR AAHH *gets thrown out lamp and into a nearby tree* @.@
Zonar: Cat!*runs over to her still holding the lamp* Are you ok?!
cat: @~@ im so friken d-dizzy everythings like moving around!
Zonar: *gets a good look at her and is speechless*
cat:*shakes head deriding of her dizziness* ugh umm zonar are you ok?
Zonar:*looks away with a slight blush* I-I'm ok.*thinking: Man I knew she was beautiful but I didn't know she was this beautiful.*
cat: umm ok than *gets up* looks down and frowns* oh....this form...great *frowns*
Zonar:*still looking away* So... um... what's this all about?
cat: well for one i have my sight back 2 im in my genie form and get three wishes..
Zonar:*looks at her* Say what now?
cat:you touched the lamp u get 3 wishes
Zonar:*looks down at it* 3 wishes.*looks back at her still blushing abit* What would you wish for Cat?
cat: huh wait NO NO NO we r not directing this at me i dont do this kinda stuff ok i hate these kinda questions
Zonar: Come on Cat it's not such hard question.*playfully smiles* But I could always wish for you to answer my question. But that would be mean of me so I won't.*stops smiling and blushes abit more again* But would you like some different clothes to wear atleast?
cat: oh i tried that it changed back to this damn things...but what would i wish for..hmm....*shrugs* meh idk
Zonar: Well I guess we find ourselves in a predicament. There are many things I've wished for over the years but it's best that they aren't granted. Hmmm, well for a practical wish how about something to eat for us?
cat: well than no surprise last guy asked for a sandwich lasted him ten seconds now *cracks knuckles* here we go *snaps fingers and a table for 2 which Chinese food on it appears* hope u like Chinese hahah
Zonar: *smiles* I don't mind it, thanks for dinner.
cat: np its nothing really hahah i would have but snake and beatles but i dont think you would like those
Zonar: (chuckles alittle) Yeah, that's not really my thing.(smiles) I'm a vegetarian after all.
cat: im suprised sadly vegitarian never worked out for me -_- to many mice
Zonar: (chuckles some more) Cute. But sometimes things like that happens.
cat: *rolls eye** oh shut up and eat ur food *sits down*
Zonar: *smiles* Alright. *sits down at the table*
cat: *picks up box of rice and starts eating* took me so many years to be able to use chop sticks -_- always did agrivate me
Zonar: Hehehe, I still have abit of trouble with them.*eats some rice slowly. messing up with the chopsticks abit*
cat: XDDD
Zonar: (smiles atad embarressed but keeps trying)
cat:*makes a fork appear* i have mercy on you XDD
Zonar: Thankyou.(takes the fork and starts eating happily but still blushing alittle from embaresssment)
cat: oh dont worry its really annoying but we have almost all the time to master it ^^
Zonar: (smiles) Hehe, true.(countinues eating but soon frowns)
cat: whats wrong?
Zonar: *puts fork and food down* Well... It's that comment about time you mentioned. It made me remember I can't have a normal relationship with someone due to my extended life span. It's actually the reason my last relationship sunk.
cat:.....hahah i just gave up knowing it wasnt going to work..
Zonar: I guess that would be for the best. *looks at Cat* Have you never met any others like us?
cat: no..well moon-high...*ears go down*
Zonar: Oh,*looks away* I'm sorry.
cat: here lets teach how to use chopsticks
Zonar: Ok.
cat: *walks over to you and picks up chopsticks* *blushes as she places his hands correctly on them and moves it correctly with his*
Zonar:*blushes at Cat holding his hand but smiles alittle*
cat: now try by yourself *lets go*
Zonar: Ok.*slowly picks some food up and eats it* Hey I did it!
cat: hahah *claps*
Zonar: Thanks Cat.*gives Cat a smile*
cat: *grins* haha *blushes* think of yor next wish?
Zonar: Hmmmm,*snaps fingers* I got it!*big smile* I wish for you to have something to make you very happy.
cat: i have to have a specific item silly haha besides im already very happy just being with you
Zonar: *blushes* Oh...*smiles* I'm glad. So what item is it that your wantin'?
cat: there isnt one really...we should find a hotel...*avoiding question*
Zonar: Ok. Ummm... Cat...*blushes* uh never mind.
cat: come on *starts walking away*
Zonar: *shakes off the blush and follows* Say how will we rent a room at a hotel?
cat:*pulls wad of money out of bra* ya dont ask but i always have some ^^
Zonar:*look of surprise and blushes*
cat: hahah ya but come on
Zonar: Ok.*follows still blushing*
cat:*walks inside* hay can we get a room king bed pls *gives man wad of money* ^^
man: umm yes top room take stairs pls *bows*
Zonar: *follows behind Cat wondering why she got a room with only one bed*
Cat: thats all they have...sorry i wouldve gotten 2 but its china...
Zonar: Oh, ok. So how are we gonna do the sleepin' arrangements?
cat: idk u right side me left *shrugs* hmm *opens door* O_O wow..fancy room
Zonar: Ok. Yeah.*looks around the room*
cat: shoot ^^ now this is first class *walks in and lays on bed* this is so soofftt
Zonar:*sits down beside her* Wow, it is real comfy.
cat: haha*lays down* mm it feels like a cloud
Zonar: *lays down as well* Mmm, it sure does.
cat: *yawns*..V.V zzZzZzzZ
Zonar:*looks over at Cat and sees she is asleep and smiles* Sleep well.*he soon falls asleep himself* Zzzzzzzzz
cat:zzz *gets closer and snugels up next to zonar* mm ZzZZzz
Zonar:*feels her snuggle up next to him but just snuggles up against her in his sleep* Mmm ZzzzZzzzZZz
cat:zzZzzZ *smiles* ZZzzZ (6 hours later) mm huh *yawns*
Zonar: ZzzzZZZzz*smiles*ZzzzzZZz(6 hours later) ZzzzzzZZzzzZ
cat: oh my...zonar *blushes* *nudges you*
Zonar:*wake up abit groggy and blinks to focus eyes* Morning Cat...*is awake enough to see how close they are and blushes*
cat: *smiles* heh...ya..
Zonar: *smile* Um.... so did you sleep well?*can't look away from Cat*
cat: y-ya heh
Zonar: G-good*stil blushing* Um... Cat w-would you like ta do something fun with me today?*looks away atad nervous at asking her*
cat: hmm sure i guess...what u want to do
Zonar:*smiles* Well how about we walk around town and see what we can find?
cat: *yawns* sure
Zonar: Good. *gets up and stretches* Say do you wanna wash up before we leave?
cat: mm *stands up* mm maybe
Zonar: Ok, well if your goin' to you go in first. I can wait.
cat: alright *walks into bathroom and locks door* a shower should wake me up *turns it on*
Zonar:*sits back down on the bed looking at the door wondering about their waking up close to one another*
cat: *takes of clouths and gets in shower* hahah *starts humming*
Zonar:*ears perc up at hearing humming and smiles*
cat: *starts singing* You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn't good enough.
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough.
I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me,
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
I'm no beauty queen.
I'm not just beautiful me

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na

You've got every right
To a beautiful life.
Come on!

Who says?
Who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's heard it?
Trust me,
That's the curse of beauty.
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?

It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny when it's you.
You tell me whatcha mean,
But they keep whiting out the truth.
It's like a work of art
That never gets to see the light.
Keep you beneath the stars,
Won't let you touch the sky.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na

I'm no beauty queen.
I'm just beautiful me.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na

You've got every right
To a beautiful life.
Come on!

Who says?
Who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's heard it?
Trust me,
That's the curse of beauty.
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?

Who says you're not star potential?
Who says you're not presidential?
Who says you can't be in movies?
Listen to me, listen to me.
Who says you don't pass the test?
Who says you can't be the best?
Who said?
Who said?
Would you tell me who said that?
Who said?

Who says?
Who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's heard it?
Trust me,
That's the curse of beauty.
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?

Who says?
Who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's heard it?
Trust me,
That's the curse of beauty.
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says your not beautiful?
Who says?
Zonar:*in awe by her singing* Wow. She has such a beautiful voice.*realizes he may have said that loud enough for her to hear and blushes*
cat: *shower turns off* mm
Zonar: I guess she's done with her shower.*is still blushing abit*
cat:*comes out dressed* showers all yours
Zonar: Thanks.*walks past her still blushing and closes the door not bothering to lock it*
cat: *turns on radio* hmm
Zonar:*removes his shoes and socks as they're the only clothing he has left* I gotta get myself some new clothes when I can.*turns the shower back on waiting for it to get to a nice tempature*
cat:*goes outside and sits on patio* nice outside
Zonar:*gets into the shower and starts to wash* I wonder what we'll find in town?
cat: *starts to dance*
Zonar:*finshes showering and gets out and towels off* Man that feels better.*after drying off and getting shoes back on he heads out of the bathroom and sees Cat dancing outside on the patio*
cat: ^^ *turns and see zonar* O_O....umm heh *face turns bright red*
Zonar:*smiles softly and walks over and leans on the door to the patio* Don't stop on my account.
cat: i dont dance infront of ppl if u wanted me 2 than u missed it by 2 million years
Zonar:*frowns alittle* Well that's too bad. You dance quite beautifuly.*smiles* Maybe you'll let me dance with you someday?
cat: maybe if u find a ball to go to *smirks* now come on lets go *jumps off balcony*
Zonar: Hey wait for me!*jumps off realizing they are on the top floor after jumping* Wait how high are we?!
Zonar: Crud! I can't land safely in this form from this high up!
cat: hahha dont worry theres water below us u wont die..
ZOnar:*smiles* Alright. That's a relief. Cannon Ball!
cat: HAHHHA *hits water* >.<
Zonar: HAHAHA *hits the water* >.<
cat: *surfaces* ^^ *swims to shore* aww now im wet again *shakes self dry* better now
Zonar:*surfaces and swims over to Cat on shore* Well so much for that shower.*gets out and shakes of as well*
cat: hahah come on *walks towards town*
Zonar:*knods and walks beside her happily smiling*
cat: you are so crazy
Zonar:*smiles and chuckles* I think your rubbing off on me.
cat: Oh really now??
Zonar: Yeah. And I like it.
cat: shut up hahahha
Zonar: (smiles and laughs with her)
cat: you do u knw that...well u could wish for cloths
Zonar: (looks at her momentarily then down at himself) Are you uncomfortable with me like this?
cat: mm no im fine with it i guess but to say it im still used to men wearing shirts hahahha ^^ u are a stranger to me still but i think we past the feeling of hatered..
Zonar: (smiles and chuckles alittle) I'm glad.
cat:...but were u seriouse about..dancing...
Zonar:*looks at her with a soft smile* Yes I was and still am.
cat:*fercly flushes* oh...russia always has some dances..but there formal..
Zonar: Well then would you like to go there and dance? Cause if so that's what I'd like ta use my second wish for.
cat: looks like im in a no win siduation...cuz now i said wish so..i have to grant it *snaps fingers and they appear in russia in furr coats and dancing cloths on underneath*
Zonar:*smiles* Well this is nice.*holds arm out to escort her* Shall we?
cat: sometimes u are just so frustraiting..idk how but u are *takes it* we shall
Zonar:*smiles even happier and heads for a building with music coming from it*
cat: this reminds me of years ago hahha so many women wispering about me cuz there dates wanted a long ago..*smiles a little to self*
Zonar:*looks at her* Then I'm one very lucky hedgehog.*they walk up to the building*
cat: *laughs* u are a horrible flirt maybe u can make up for it with the dance *walks inside with him* of yes i remember this sad thing rasputin broke up that party oh well *takes off cout revealing a red velvet dress that flows dow to the floor and fans out*
Zonar: We'll see.*looks at her after she removes her coat* Beautiful.*starts to remove his own coat*
cat: thx not so bad yourself!!
Zonar:*smiles and blushes* Thanks. Shall we dance now?
Cat: well what else did we come here for to steal the gold??...well that actually isnt a bad idea
Zonar:*chuckles* Your not gettin' out of dancin' now.*grabs her hand and leads her out to the dance floor*
cat:*giggles in delight* than lets see u keep up  
Zonar:*chuckles and begins dancing with Cat, letting her lead abit as he is alittle out of practice*
cat: u seem highly amused by this dont u?? u are horrible i knew i shouldnt have danced on the patio oh now look where it got me hahah
Zonar: Hahaha, sorry I haven't danced in a long time. And I suppose amused would be a word for this. But I'd prefer to use the word happy.*looks at her with a smile*
cat: of all forms i had it had to be a GENIE!! hahah *smiles back* u ruining my reputaion i thought i was suposed to be groughy
Zoanr: Well you don't have to be around me. I can tell your more than strong willed and powerful Cat. Your kind, beautiful, and talented as well.
cat: -O.O- *kisses zonar on lips*..i-im s-sorry.. i need to get some air *walks away and goes out side as quickly as she can* d-did i just kiss him?
Zonar:*stands there somewhat caught off gaurd but soon smiles* She kissed me.*but quickly considers how she might feel and soon follows after her*
cat: oh my god...what did i just do
Zonar:*walks outside and looks around for Cat and sees her. he calls out to her* Cat.
cat:.....huh...*sees zonar and face goes scarlett red*
Zonar:*runs over to Cat* Cat are you alright?
cat: *avoids ur eyes * i-im fine zonar
Zonar:*concerned look* Cat look at me please. I'm not mad about you kissin' me.
cat: *still looks away* that was my secound kiss..i only here kissed moon high once...same dance same place..but...
Zonar:*saddened look* I'm sorry Cat... it's just when you kissed me I thought you might actualy like me back. I wouldn't have made this wish if I knew it was gonna make you sad.
cat: wh-what..*looks at zonar in shock* me...
Zonar:*blushes and smiles* Yes. I do.
cat: how do i know ur not just toying with me...*frowns*
Zonar: Cat I'd do anything to prove that I'm tellin' you the truth.
Zonar: Cat, please let me prove that I really care about you.
cat: .....*grabs zonars face and brings him into a deep kiss*
Zonar:*surprised by her suddeness but embraces her and returns the kiss*
cat: *face red as a beat* sorry..
Zonar:*smiles happily* Don't be. So do you believe me now?*holds her closer*
cat:*smiles*...i do..
Zonar: Good. So where do we go from here now?
cat: idk..*yawns* maybe back to a warmer spot
Zonar: Ok. Anywhere in particular you have in mind?
cat: no as long as its with u idm where it is
Zonar:*blushes and smiles* Well then I know how to use the last wish. I wish we were somewhere warm and can enjoy each others company.
cat: haha oh course *snaps fingers and they are at atop of a high cliff in italy*
Zonar: Woah. High up.*holds onto Cat atad tighter*
cat: hahah yeah..*blushes more*
Zonar:*looks at her and blushes*.....*leans in and kisses her*
Zonar:*smiles at hearing her laughter*
cat: how am i in love...ahah...
Zonar:*just keeps smiling and happily holds her closer* I honestly didn't know I'd fall in love with you when I met you. But here I am with you havin' stolen my heart.
cat: hehhe UR to kind...^^
Zonar:*chuckles* Thanks. So what shall we do now?
cat: idk *yawns* im just kinda..sleepy *falls asleep in his arms* zZZzZZz
Zonar:*lets her rest, enjoying his new happiness**thinking: I never dreamed I'd find someone I could love after my change. But here I am. In love with an amazin' woman.*
cat:zzZzZzz mmm *snugels in closer*
Zonar:*blushes abit and strokes her hair softly as she sleeps*
cat: *purrs*
Zonar:*chuckles alittle* Cute.
cat:*tail wraps around them both* zZzzzZ
Zonar:*smiles and leans his head against hers and soon nods off*ZzzzZzz
cat:zzz(hours later) mm *yawns*
Zonar: ZzzzZzZzz*still sleeping and holding Cat close to him*
cat: hehhe ^^
Zonar: Huh?*starts to wake up slowly*
cat: hay
Zonar:*looks at her and smiles* Hello luv. Sleep well?
cat: wonderfully heheh
Zonar: I'm glad. So what do you want to do now?
cat: no idea to be honest
Zonar: Shall we walk around then?
cat: i guess so
Zonar:*smiles* Lets go then.*puts his arm around hers and starts their walk*
cat: oh all ppl im sorry but i never expected this..
Zonar: Expect what? its nothing ^^
Zonar: Alright. But you know you can talk to me about anything, ok?
cat:....i know..
Zonar: I'm glad.*as they walk they come upon a path that leads into a town*
Zonar: Wanna go down there? today..
Zonar: Ok.*they continue walking*
cat:....*stops walking*
Zonar: Something wrong?*looks at her worried*
cat: *pushes zonar out the way and a arrow goes right through her* GAAAHHH *colapses on ground pool of blood quickly surounds her*
Zonar: Cat!*rushes back to her and carefully pulls the arrow out* Oh man this isn't good!
cat: GAAHHH!! *gritting teeth*
Zonar:*frightened look on face at Cat pain. It quickly turns to anger and his eyes become slitted* GRRR! WHO SHOT THAT ARROW?!*starts looking around*
cat: d-dont bother looking zonar..we dont have time we need to get out of here and fast *trys to sit up* GAAAH
moon-high:*claps* great show sadly what i wanted to happen didnt what a pitty
Zonar: Grrrrr, you I should've known.*pulls Cat closer*
moon-high: oh who said i did it hahah just a friend of mine
vixen: he doesnt do arrows..hahah me its my specuality
cat: VIXEN!!! *eyes glow*  
Zonar:*still glaring* Who's she?
moon-high: hahah my deer
vixen: im cat hahha well her anti self i should say hahha
cat: a pain in the damn ass
Zonar: Huh, an evil double. Nothin' new to me.
cat: ya mine is..we need to leave
vixen: ur such a party pooper stay *eyes demonic smiles flashing fangs* it will be a blast *red energy orb appears in hands*
moon-high: how smashing
Zonar: I think not. Cat hold on tight.*starts to use chaos control* CHAOS...
vixen:hahah *stops all chaos energy* not today
cat: O_O
Zonar: What the? Well that's not good. I can't use any chaos energy. Which means*looks over at Moon-High* you can't either, right?
moon-high: yes but who said i was fight *smiles evily* vixen
vixen: hahhahahah
cat: zonar get outtah here
Zonar: No.*eyes still slitted* I've had enough of you gettin' hurt. I'm gonna teach this doppleganger a lesson.*stands up and faces Vixen* I still got a few tricks up my sleeves.*extends his claws*
vixen:hahah *smiles* suprise u havent figured it out yet.. hahah
Zonar: Figured what out?
vixen: marvelous hahha cat hasent told u hahha
cat: O_O....*stifens*
Zonar: *looks back at Cat* What's she talkin' about Cat?
vixen: well ill just wait a few more day then hahah toodles* disapears with moon-high*
Zonar:*walks back to Cat* Cat... how's your wound?
cat:....*looks dizzy* i c-cant tell...i feel tired..
Zonar: We need ta get you to a doctor. That town we past might have one.*picks her up bridal style*
*Zonar runs towards the town with Cat in his arms. as he gets into town he asks if there's a doctor and is directed to the docs house where he patches Cat up. he says he'll check on her in the morning and that they are welcome to stay til she recovers.*
Zonar:*sits by Cat as she lays in the bed*
cat:.....*eyes flicker* i feel weird..
Zonar: *has a look of concern* I'd say bein' shot by an arrow, losin' alot of blood, and havin' medicine applied to your wound would make you feel weird.
cat: heh....i feel so tired...i cant see strait it all looks blurry*
Zonar: *smiles* Cat you need to rest.*grabs her hand gently* I'll be keepin' an eye on you so don't worry.
cat: but im fine whyd u bring me here anyway *pouts* i dont need a doctor
Zonar: Because I love you Cat.*squeezes her hand alittle* And I don't want to lose you or see you in pain.
cat:...fine i rest..
Zonar: *smiles* Thankyou.*leans down and kisses her on the forehead*
cat: *smiles and closes eyes*
Zonar:*smiles and watches Cat as she falls asleep*
cat:zZzZzZzZzz V.V
Zonar:*thinking: Kacy if you can hear my thoughts I need ta talk to you.*
kacy: whats up?
Zonar:*looks at Kacy* What is Cat not tellin' me? dieing...she scared and shes had some dreams ...moom-high sees and hears everything from her...
Zonar:*shocked expression* Dyin'? But how? I thought she was connected to time and couldn't? What's goin' on?
cat: she is...but moon-high is feeding off her....when hes taken the last of her energy she'll die..till then cat will suffer a slow and paainful death
Zonar: So it's his fault this is happenin'.*looks at Cat for a few momets then back to Kacy* Is he listin' to us right now?
Zonar: Good.*directs his speech towards Moon-High* Then meet me in the forest where you had Vixen shoot Cat Moon-High. And come alone.*gives Cat a kiss on the head and heads out the door. stopping and looking back at Kacy.* If you can please keep her here. I'll be back.*walks out the door before she can respond*

moon-high:hahha *in forest* tick tock tick tock times running out

kacy: i promise..
cat: mmm *in dream* whats going on *surounded by darkness* i wanna wake up *crys**Reply

Zonar:*as he heads for the forest Zonar transforms into his Nega form. a storm starts to brew. he runs faster til he sees Moon-High and stops a few feet from him.*.......
moon-high:....ur a cant beat me and its only a matter of secounds till cats gone... permanently..u see kacy can only hold attacks, she's useless..

vixen: *in shadows of house*

Zonar: *glares at him* You know no one ever thinks about my powers bein' more than control over electricty and chaos energy. But they never get that my control over chaos energy lets me control one other thing. Meanin' there is one more thing I can do.*his eyes glow once more and soon his body changes in a torrent of swirling energy into his form of pure energy* And your about to find out.*he hurls himself at Moon-High like a bolt of lightning being absorbed into Moon-High*
moon-high:GAAAHHH!! *grins* u think thats it...u cant win...if u kill me...cats finished..she wont say it but..hahah she was going to kill herself..theres no way u can win..if i die..she comes anlong with me as well!!

vixen: GRRR *trys to stab cat* HOLD STILL
cat: NEVER!! *blocking wit her sword* U DONT HAVE 2 DO THIS!

Zonar: (speaking to Moon-High from inside him) Still haven't figured it out yet have you? I'm inside you Moon-High. Now I can remove your hold on Cat by takin' away the link between you two. And givin' back what you've been drainin' from her.(starts reversing the flow of the drain so that Cat regains her strength and lifefore as well as begins transferring the link that Moon-High has with her to himself)
moon-high: IMPOSSIBLE!!
cat: very possible sweat heart very possible
Zonar: (laughs)
moon-high: well while the tie still hold and your part of me dear boy...lets have a three way suicide *three orbs appear in his hand* remember what theses are cat?
cat: no....NO!!
moon-high: SAY GOOD-BYE TO YOUR MEMORIES AND YOUR LIFE DARLING *smashes them* hahah now ill let you die with me zonar my friend *hold gun to head* hahah
cat: *starts fading away*...trys to speak but no words come out*
Zonar: NO!!!! CAT!!!(starts taking large portions of Moon-Highs lifeforce and gives it to Cat to try and save her) What have you done to her?!
Moon-high: heh dont bother i had her heart her life force...the lights of twilight my friend when they are desroyed..she my wife will 2...haha u played into my hands this ws what was going 2 happen..with or without u in her life
Cat: *fades compltly*
Zonar: No. NO! NO!!!(Zonars mind goes near the point of snapping and releases raw negative chaos energy from inside Moon-High) Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!(his mind starts to go over all that's happened since he met her)
Moon-high: ur a fool she was only a clone haahhaha just a clone.. u wanna met the real cat..look for skylar and when u find him..say abby hell know that u knew a clone..but b carful.. will be back..*fades away*
Zonar: (stands where Moon-High was and changes back to his normal form, falling to his knees with tears rolling down his face)
?????: (walks out from the trees) Wow.... haven't seen omeone this sad since
Zonar: (doesn't respond)
?????: Hey do you wanna see Cat or what?
Zonar: (looks up and squeks alittle when he speaks) Yes.
?????: Then follow me. I'll take you to her.(starts walking away)
Zonar: (gets up and follows, rubbing the tears from his eyes)
This is the 1st meetin' of Cat the assassin and Zonar Woodclaw.(still in progress)

Cat (c) to :iconcallmecat127:

Zonar (c) to :iconparadoxalorder:
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Egyptian-kitten's avatar
I kinda want to redo this...this just gave me Cancer.